Marzano’s 9 Effective Instructional Strategies

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Similarities and Differences

Teach students to use comparing, classifying, metaphors, and analogies when they identify similarities and differences.


*identify key characteristics; used to identify similarities and differences


*use key characteristics to group things that are alike into categories

Word Sorts

Graphic Organizers

Venn diagrams and Comparison Matrices

Compare and Contrast Mini-Poster

App for Students to Use to Practice

Frayer Model

Classification Tables and Bubble Maps

Frayer Models


*the two items in a metaphor are connected by an abstract relationship


*help us see how seemingly unrelated things are similar; increases our understanding of new information

General Resources

iPad Apps by Instructional Strategies

More Technology Resources by Strategy

Templates for analogies, metaphors, etc. 

Hello Jen Jones Presentation

Student Activities

Video Clip-Marzano-Teaching is Complex
Strategies are tools!  There isn't a magic bullet.


Summarizing and Note Taking

Students should learn to determine important information and discard unnecessary information.  Students are encouraged to put information into their own words. 

Reinforcing Effort and Providing Recognition

Teachers should reward based on standards of performance; use symbolic recognition rather than just tangible rewards. 

  • conference individually with students
  • praise students' efforts
  • encourage students to share ideas and express their thoughts
  • authentic portfolios
  • high-fives
  • honor individual learning styles

Homework and Practice

Keep parent involvement in homework to a minimum; state purpose, and, if assigned, should be debriefed. 

Non-Linguistic Representations

Students should create graphic representations, models, mental pictures, drawings, and participate in kinesthetic activities in order to assimilate knowledge. 

Cooperative Learning

Teachers should limit use of ability groups, keep groups small, apply strategy consistently and systematically.  Assign roles and responsibilities in groups. 

Setting Objectives and Providing Feedback

Teachers should create specific but flexible goals. Allow for student choice when possible.  Teacher feedback should be corrective, timely, and specific to a criterion.

Generating and Testing Hypothesis

Students should generate, explain, test, and defend hypotheses using both inductive and deductive strategies through problem solving, investigation, inquiry, and decision making. 

Questions, Cues, and Advance Organizers

Teachers should use cues and questions that focus on what is important, rather than just unusual.  Advance organizers should focus on what is important and are more useful with information that is not well organized. 

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