Emergent Readers and Writers


The Literacy Diet for the Emergent Stage
1. Oral language, concepts and vocabulary

*Interactive Read-Alouds

*Experiences and Conversation

-planned extensions

-retellings and dramatic play

*Concept Sorts

Possible Assessments:


-Number of correct items correctly

sorted into conceptual categories

(depth of receptive vocabulary)


Words Their Way: Fifth Edition-pgs. 122-126
2. Phonological Awareness

*Sylables and Words; Compound Words

*Rhymes, Jingles, and Songs

-rhyming books followed with picture sorts

for rhyming

-play categorization and matching games-

Bingo, Lotto, and Concentration

*Alliteration and Beginning Sounds

-activities that play with aliteration

-"I'm Thinking of…"

-sort by beginning sound

Assessments: Rhyme Awareness

Beginning Sounds Assesment

Words Their Way: Fifth Edition-pgs. 126-131

3. Alphabet Knowledge


(WTW Lowercase Alphabet

Goal: BOY-12; EOY-26)

*Teaching the Alphabet

-active exploration of the relationships

between letter names, the sounds of

the letter names, their visual

characteristics, and the motor

movement involved in their formation

-build with letter tiles, play dough, etc.

-begin with name and family and friends

-writing or copying important names

-ABC books

-ABC Center

-Letter Formation

Assessment: Alphabet Recognition

Letter Production

ABC Resources

Words Their Way: Fifth Edition-pgs. 131-138

4. Letter-Sound Knowledge

Guidelines for Beginning Sound Picture Sorts:

*Start with Meaningful Text

*Plan Plenty of Time for Practice

*Plan Follow-up Activities

Assessment: Writing Observation 

Beginning Sounds Assessment

Kindergarten Spelling Inventory

ABC Resources

Words Their Way Fifth Edition: pgs. 139-140

5. Concepts about Print

*Print Referencing

Assessment: Concepts of Print Assessment

Print Concepts Resources

Words Their Way Fifth Edition: pgs. 114; 140-142

6. Concept of Word in Text

*Developing COW (Concept of Word)

*Rudimentary COW

*Fingerpoint Reading and Tracking Words


-One of the best ways to help children make connections between speech and print is to record what children say in a dictation and then to read it back. 

-Rhymes for Reading

Assessment: Concepts of Print Assessment

Words Their Way Fifth Edition-pgs. 143-146